Barack Obama tells the world he doesn’t care about Pokémon【Video】
We run a camellia oil-infused brush through our tresses and set them a-gleam, only spend 100 yen
Shiseido promises confidence for the lovelorn with their spellbinding new makeup ad【Video】
We venture out of our comfort zone with fried chicken and hamburger-flavored instant noodles
Does instant noodles cooked with rice make super noodle rice?
恋多き女 エマ・ワトソン、新彼氏ブレンダン・ウォレスは元ゴールドマン・サックスの金融マン ヤバい私服でキス写真
Is this common Japanese phrase for “goodbye” the reason for Japan’s crazy overtime hours?
Can you fight an entire pro wrestling match in Uniqlo stretch jeans? We find out【Photos】
Aspiring anime voice actress is already fed up with one of its most common female tropes
We try “Japan’s best-selling miso soup” and it melts the cold in our bones
A month and a half later, how is Seiji’s hair doing after his hair transplant surgery?
“This ticket makes any wish come true”: Love stops a Japanese teenager from taking his own life
Cold Stone’s new mochi ice cream pops are packed with Japanese flavors like azuki and kuromitsu
Silent drills by the Honor Guard at Japan’s National Defense Academy impress and awe【Videos】
妊娠3ヶ月でお腹ぽっこり?! メーガン・マークル、ヘンリー王子との第1子妊娠で予定日は?オーストラリアご訪問
Crazy cosplay team dresses up as Japan’s Shinkansen bullet train for an important reason【Videos】
Japanese man punches cab driver after he refuses to drive friend who’d just pooped himself
Real fashion police: Con man arrested in Tokyo, police tipped off by ill-fitting suit
Pikachu, other Pokémon recreate classic painting The Scream, have us squealing at their cuteness
Elon Musk shares his love of anime, says he wants to build a mecha
We try the new Pringles instant cup ramen and yakisoba fried noodles from Japan