Anime voice actress is selling her used miniskirt…for US$690!
I have a ~ time.
These Pakistani students in Tokyo had never been to the beach, and that’s something we had to fix
“Once In Your Life In Osaka” is this year’s song of the summer 【Video】
Tokyo company offers foot massages from cute VR anime girls, but given by real-life men【Photos】
ケンタウロス再び現る… クロエ・カーダシアン、今度は水着で巨大お尻を披露
Feeling cranky? Drop that Snickers! Eat some beef and ice cream instead, Japanese netizens say
Mysterious Japanese woman gives one million yen in cash to man she’s never met, then disappears
This restaurant’s US$0.45 sushi is an amazing way to expand your sushi horizons in Tokyo
Do it at your own pace.
Time-lapse video shows the awesomely orderly efficiency of otaku lining up at Comiket【Video】
Stretching the limits of Japanese budget belts with the Easy Stretch Belt from the 100 yen store
Japanese musicians create incredible music and visuals using open tape reels【Videos】
大阪3位、東京7位!『世界で最も住みやすい都市2018』 逆に『最も住みにくい都市』は?
Japan’s number-one cosplayer draws an incredible crowd as she steals the show at Comiket【Photos】
弟子が偉人「孔子物語」(3)& 英会話 & 英検
The best way to drink Japanese sake? From an edible squid bottle!
Pikachu Outbreak 2018 photos! Pikachus parade through Yokohama, bust out dance moves at night