Japanese teen wins right to change name from “His Lordship the Prince” to something less flowery
髪って大事…。シャーリーズ・セロンの黒髪がイケてなくて残念な件 & 年齢はヒザに表れる!
User edits Dragon Ball Z SFX and music into Apex Legends, everyone memes in response
Japanese maid cosplay uniform transforms you into the fairytale anime character of your dreams
Japanese porn company wants to use virgin power to create electricity for romantic Tokyo event
Harry Potter actor apologizes for wearing shirt critics say glorifies Japan’s WWII aggression
What do you have a taste for?
Beautiful Japanese race queen goes from trackside to driver’s seat as she becomes pro drifter
Japanese couple celebrates marriage by pulling Master Sword from Legend of Zelda wedding cake
Great East Japan Earthquake memorial service broadcast in Shinjuku after years-long absence
Introducing the Sailor Moon opening theme fan parody to conquer all parodies【Video】
Hokkaido police searching for naked man in glasses who groped woman in sub-zero weather
If the 2011 tsunami hit Tokyo’s Shibuya Scramble Crossing, this is how high it would’ve been