Japan Travel: Exploring Manabeshima cat island
We make a super giant sushi using Costco salmon in Japan【SoraKitchen】
Overworked Japan celebrated Labor Day on a Saturday this year
「嬉しい」は英語で?glad、happy、pleased の違い
一般的な「Pay off」の用法はこの2通り
大都会の愛と死 (22) リズム英単語 ♪「英会話・英検」受験英語
Ultimate way to treat otaku ashes: Cremation into a pencil?
Manga about 40-something man’s relationship with daughter’s schoolgirl friend sparks controversy
Japanese teacher’s advice for opinion essay writing stays with one student to this day
Get a taste of the high life with a US$92 “Tapioca” bubble tea in Tokyo
Do you happen to know …?
HacoKara Karaoke Box: The best way to de-stress at the cinema in Japan
X Japan’s Yoshiki’s birthday party gets extra-special with a surprise visit from Barack Obama
These comfy pajama suits are for the gamers! Wrap up warm as you rack up points
KFC Japan is heart-warming and finger-licking good with new food donation program for poor kids
Young Japanese men say paying for dates is the hardest part of life as a guy【Survey】
“arvo”、”brolly” に “sunnies” って何?スラングのクイズ15問!
美女と野獣! 母シンディ・クロフォードの心配をよそに、交際絶好調のカイア・ガーバーとピート・デヴィッドソン
Japanese students and samurai in the spotlight for Guinness World Records Day 【Videos】