月別アーカイブ : 2020年08月の記事一覧
Menya Musashi’s shaved ice ramen is the perfect dish to beat the Tokyo summer heat【Taste Test】
表現の幅を広げる “could” の使い方おさらい!
「黒い巨塔 (33) 左腕のマヒでオペ失敗」英単語 ♪ 受験英語「英検」
Conjure a magical barrier to block virus particles with an anime magic circle-inspired partition
Artist for manga cancelled after junior high school girl’s groping makes first public comment
Being the kind of person I am, …
City of Kawasaki to rent out entire theme park for local elementary school students
Japan’s Dragon Quest Slime fish cakes draw near, and possibly for free【Photos】
Sport some subtle Sailor Moon summer looks with these sailor-style T-shirts from Premium Bandai
Clever new packaging trick helps make it easier to eat instant ramen without ruining your health
“Karen” ってどんな意味?
Theft victim uses social media to catch suspects, suspects use social media to convict selves
「黒い巨塔 (32) 10億の値打ちの医師」リズム英単語 ♪ 「英検」
Seiko to release awesome sports watches inspired by popular Street Fighter V characters
[週刊] 今週のまとめ 8月17日-8月22日
「黒い巨塔 (31) アトランタの神の手医師」リズム英単語 ♪ 「英検」
Mystery stink haunts Kanagawa Prefecture, worries seismologist
Japanese cat cafe livestream on Twitch lets you hang out with cute cats anytime you want
Starbucks Japan reminds us that you can now add jiggly mochi to all your drink orders
Akihabara loses another landmark as iconic electronics shop steps outside station gate shuts down
Shizuoka City orders mysterious torii of unknown origin torn down, sparks concern that a horror movie is beginning