月別アーカイブ : 2020年04月の記事一覧
Japanese swimsuit models holding online drinking parties with fans to encourage them to stay home
☆ せせらぎ (58) 死闘「リズム英単語 ♪」「受験英語・英検」
SoraNews24’s first article written entirely by an AI
Awesome Nintendo fan craft idea: Power up your cloth face mask into a Switch-style mask【Pics】
Shinto, Buddhist, and Catholic priests come together to pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic
Japan’s latest work-from-home innovation: The wearable video conference background【Photos】
on my honor
Japanese restaurant chain shows us how to make katsudon in three minutes【SoraKitchen】
Japanese McNuggets now come with creamy corn sauce, we attempt a potage with it
Japanese company has employees-only capsule toy machine in its office for an awesome reason
☆ せせらぎ (57) 女子GS 「リズム英単語 ♪」「受験英語・英検」
Potted mini sakura trees are perfect for everyone who missed cherry blossom season this year
Fossilized forms of Pokémon found in Uniqlo’s Daniel Arsham x Pokémon T-shirt collection【Photos】
Japan’s poo museum opens online, offers turds of virtual fun worldwide during stay-home period
I have the guts to …
New coronavirus cases in Tokyo drop to lowest level in almost two weeks
Hello Kitty set to keep you safe while driving… as a dashboard camera!
The sad reason this Osaka supermarket couldn’t sell out of two-yen masks