月別アーカイブ : 2019年04月の記事一覧
Hong Kong man spoils “Avengers: Endgame” outside of theater, gets swiftly beaten up for it
How to make a McDonald’s hamburger twice as delicious: Turn it into a waffle!【SoraKitchen】
あなたはどっちを擁護? シャーリーズ・セロン、通訳にキスしたフランス人司会者に苦言も、ツイッターではビッチ呼ばわり 動画あり
[週刊] 今週のまとめ 4月22日-4月27日
極道の壊滅作戦・白い孤独 (27) &「英会話・英検」
Japanese child in wheelchair gets teased by train passenger, other commuter comes to his rescue
Japanese convenience store’s Above and Beyond Series puts our sense of adventure to the test
World’s most terrifyingly scary-looking alpaca found in Japan【Photos】
Meat lovers, you can now satisfy your carnivorous cravings at this revolving sushi restaurant!
Strap on your thinking caps for an extra-dumb, hypocritical Japanese teacher correction
極道 VS ヤクザ検事・白い孤独 (26) &「英会話・英検」
Student tries to advertise his university club at station, accidentally uses a picture of himself
Foreign travelers in Tokyo, other towns handing out flags, asking Japanese people to pay for them
Say “thank you” to the Heisei era with a can of Hesei air
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Japanese-style Rilakkuma teahouse opens in one of the most beautiful places in Japan
Good Couples Day gets our Japanese writer thinking about international marriage differences
第235回 インタビュー企画(Yumi Ford)「Hapa英会話プレミアムコース講師が語るアメリカ生活と英語学習」
Japan shocked as American musician finds that bubble tea tapioca balls can be used to play music