月別アーカイブ : 2019年03月の記事一覧
New limited-edition Starbucks Japan drinks are for true coffee lovers!【Taste Test】
Japanese “yakuza deer” continue to harass restaurant owner at Miyajima 【Photos】
“number(ナンバー)” の略はなぜ “No.” なの?
「Are you with me?」の意味わかりますか?
Tokyo governor criticized for “unbelievable” rudeness of putting hands in pockets during ceremony
Japanese man finds grandpa using masturbatory aid as flower vase on altar for deceased grandma
Japan’s number-one cosplayer appears nude on cover of first major physical photo album
VR Ninja Dojo: Battle as a shadow warrior at new virtual reality world in Tokyo 【Video】
The Vending Train: World’s only vending machine made from a retired Japanese train【Video】
I can’t get … out of my mind.
Japanese samurai swords unsheathed for martial arts event but not everything goes to plan 【Video】
HAPA英会話Podcastが「Amazon Alexa」に対応開始!
Passenger moved by bus driver’s kindness writes letter to company and gets a heartfelt reply
映画「メイズ・ランナー:最期の迷宮」のセリフで英会話/~だけはしたくない,の英語 the last~want to
Mr. Sato gets blown away by Wasabeef wasabi gyoza in Shibuya
Japan now has Sugar Romper cosplay costumes for people who want to give up on being an adult
ジョニデの反撃で泥沼! ジョニー・デップ、元妻アンバー・ハードを名誉棄損で、56億円の損害賠償を求め訴える
“speak” と “talk” の違いは何?