年別アーカイブ : 2019年の記事一覧
映画「ジュマンジ/ウェルカム・トゥ・ジャングル」のセリフで英会話/居残り,の英語 detention
Japanese sailor suit school uniform gets an upgrade with traditional kimono details
妊娠? キム・カーダシアン、第4子は男の子!代理母が春にも出産予定 わがままノースは大喜び
「気にしないで」や「心配しないで」を「Don’t worry」以外で表現
間違えやすい “leftover” の意味と使い方をおさらい!
秘密の交渉3億円 (13) &「英会話・英検」 272 万ヒット!
Daily horde of commuters into Tokyo is larger than one of history’s fiercest conquering armies
Can you spot the “hidden anime robot” in this century-old French religious painting?
This Miyazaki bar’s theme is “ugliness”, also offers arm wrestling, and discounts for bald people
Japanese snow monkeys find novel way to travel during winter 【Video】
Capybara Onsen Challenge 2019: Which giant rodent can bathe the longest?
I’ve learned over the years that …
Starbucks Japan announces new range of Frappuccino drinks for Valentine’s Day
Ruined Doraemon doll is repaired by friend in heartwarming story
Seiji starts a new health regimen with Oronamin C, straight from a plastic bottle faucet
Vending machine selling edible bugs is an instant hit in Kumamoto, generates about $4,600 a month
Japan goes from capsule hotels to capsule offices with free Wi-Fi, device charging in Tokyo
“We don’t need an age of women” Japanese commercial says, then hits actress in face with cream
“tell” の絶対に覚えておきたい意味「分かる」