月別アーカイブ : 2018年09月の記事一覧
A literally game-breaking technique to win at Japan’s UFO catcher crane games【Video】
「高齢者・お年寄り」は英語で「Old people」?
Japanese Twitter users are jealous of Christopher Robin’s soul-suckingly busy work schedule
Aichi Police: Surrender your driver’s license and get up to $1 off at McDonald’s!
U.S. soldier’s failed attempt to give Japanese policemen some cool drinks melts Internet’s heart
What happened when Conan O’Brien visited the Toto Japanese toilet showroom in Tokyo 【Video】
Look before you leap.
Animal Crossing’s Isabelle confirmed for Smash Brothers Ultimate, fan reactions confirmed loud
We crunch into autumn with Starbucks Japan’s new Crispy Sweet Potato Frappuccino【Taste test】
Japanese paralympic athlete plays emotive violin piece using her prosthetic arm as the bow【Video】
Young Japanese adults in survey don’t even want to live to Japan’s average life expectancy
“rough” の意味とは?「ラフな服装」は和製英語
Five tips to stay stress-free and comfortable as you walk through Tokyo’s crazy-crowded streets
「酔っ払いの喧嘩」(23)& 英会話
Japanese bar pianist plays beautiful version of Pokémon background music without anyone noticing
Our Japanese reporter rewatches first episode of Dragon Ball, concludes Bulma’s a psychopath