月別アーカイブ : 2018年05月の記事一覧
Couple in China get married under romantic rain of fire and brimstone【Video】
☆ 小説「友雪」(13)&英会話
New 8-bit Nintendo classic system announced for Japan with 20 games not in last version
Japanese hotel’s amazing mechanized bed rises to the ceiling to give you more floor space【Video】
Domino’s Pizza Japan now sells curry to dip its pizza crust in, and we want it so bad
Furious woman berates men on women-only Tokyo train with spot-on anime girl voice【Video】
back to the drawing board
Ready, set… woomy! Sanrio new character collaboration poll starts, featuring Splatoon 2 and more
Maths professor from Japan’s optical illusions will have you doubting your own eyes【Video】
Tokyo crow who tried to buy a train ticket gets illegally captured
This may look like an ordinary vending machine from afar, but it’s a different picture up close
ネイティブがよく使う “get on” の意味とは?
クイズ!この「おばあちゃん」いくつに見える? 4人の子供と孫娘のいるジーナ・スチュワートの実年齢&若さと美の秘訣がSNSで大反響!
Evangelion director calls Hayao Miyazaki “geezer” in anime commentary, says he broke his Walkman
☆ 小説「友雪」(12)&英会話
Deer in Nara refuse crackers after Golden Week visitors leave them too full to eat【Photos】
Suntory has clear, no-alcohol, plastic-bottled beer so you can drink at work without being judged
Jump magazine releases YouTube style app for manga, gives 100% ad revenue to content creators