年別アーカイブ : 2018年の記事一覧
Abandoned subway station in Tokyo open to the public for a limited time!
9+3=12? Nope, that’s wrong, says Japanese kid’s elementary school, thanks to “cherry calculation”
関係代名詞の “who / which / that” の使い方を簡単に解説!
やり過ぎ! キム・カーダシアン、5才の娘ノースのお腹をフォトショップ修正で平らに… 修正前オリジナル写真流出
Female fast food worker in Japan has awesome response to male customers who called her ugly
天国と地獄「最後の銀座豪遊 (82) 」&「英会話・英検」
Cute Japanese model dons fluffy Eevee costume, catches fans’ hearts without a single Poké Ball
Edo-Period Japanese book depicts U.S. history in hilariously awesome illustrations
Man in charge of cybersecurity for 2020 Olympics has never touched a computer
The mystery of live-action Pokémon movie Pikachu’s freaky-sounding German voice【Video】
just to be sure; just to be certain
Viral net artist responsible for realistic Pokémon hired for Detective Pikachu designs【Pictures】
Drink your tea in style with the new Zaku mobile suit-shaped heavy iron teapot
This ISN’T what a US$100 Tokyo sushi lunch looks like. It’s what a US$200 one looks like!
Author breaks down economics of anime, tells us exactly what Sailor Moon’s house is worth
Japanese man gets arrested for stealing 30 yen (US 27 cents) from Shinto shrine’s collection box
人気なし…ちーん! メーガン・マークル、英国民が選んだ「好きなロイヤルファミリー」ランクが低すぎる件 1位は夫ヘンリー王子
Can one man blow 10,000 yen at Tokyo’s cheapest Italian restaurant? The human otter finds out
11/15 韓国ソウル・キーセンパーテー (81) &「英会話・英検」