年別アーカイブ : 2018年の記事一覧
McDonald’s Japan unleashes awesome Steak Sauce and Lobster Mayo Sauce to celebrate the holidays
Mr. Sato tries a unique method to compellingly call in sick to work【Video】
ありがた迷惑? パリス・ヒルトン、メキシコ地震被災者に、自身のブランドの香水やクッションを届ける…(いらんことしぃ)
[週刊] 今週のまとめ 11月12日-11月17日
Japanese tourist cries tears of joy over creative installation of origami in the UK
11/18 天国と地獄「億万長者への道 (84) 」&「英会話・英検」
Tokyo man arrested after telling woman he wanted to rub “just” her breasts
Sexual harassment poster from Japanese government draws criticism for seemingly taking men’s side
After being banned for ugliness, the Pikachu Donuts are back, but are they cute this time?
海外ドラマ「13 サーティーン/誘拐事件ファイル」の英語セリフで英会話
All 151 original Pokémon now available as Tokyo Pokémon Cafe latte art, and you choose your own
Wanting a frog, man gets too many praying animals from capsule machine, creates cute, creepy cult
“fruit salad”、”fishcake” ってどんな意味?
美容整形中毒! カイリー・ジェンナー、フィラー除去で小さくしたはずの唇が再びタラコな件
Survey shows more Japanese married men, single Japanese women cheating on their romantic partners
失意に泣き、初めて関門海峡を渡る (83)&「英会話・英検」
Low-quality laughing stock of current anime season sends hidden cry for help in closing credits
Hanazono Jinja Shrine: Lanterns, stalls and rakes at annual Tori no Ichi cock festival in Tokyo
Slow and steady wins the race.
Japanese company trips – Workers “absolutely hate” them, so why do they still happen?
Starbucks Japan unveils new White Chocolate Snow Frappuccino for Christmas