年別アーカイブ : 2018年の記事一覧
“quite” の意味は「とても」?
「ありがとうオレ」爆笑!スヌープ・ドッグ、ハリウッド・ウォーク・オブ・フェイム入りも、感謝のスピーチがウケる件 家族写真
Rabbit at Japanese temple freaks people out with glowing eyes, Buddhist deity inside its chest
県立高校に首席合格3名 (88) &「英会話・英検」
Japanese student told they will be penalized for not using a ruler to draw multiplication lines
Godzilla and Gundam battle in awesome collaboration video!【Video】
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, that’s why it is called the present.
Abysmal anime that told viewers “We’re in serious trouble” delays new episode, reruns old one
Kyoto temple goes modern with Techno Memorial combining music and lights with Buddhist Festival
映画「スリー・ビルボード」のセリフで英会話/一つの~もない,の英語 not a single
Japanese ex-pro wrestler Chigusa Nagayo saves woman from assault in carpark
破局! パリス・ヒルトン、彼氏クリス・ジルカとの婚約を解消し別れるも、2億円の婚約指輪をめぐる争い
会話で役立つ “That’s what 〜” をマスターしよう!
毎月200万の銀行定期 ( 87 ) &「英会話・英検」
Naked man found sitting inside locker at Japanese train station
Body part-shocking device is here to stop Japan from nodding off at the wheel, work, or school
Japanese politician announces plan to create space division for Self-Defense Forces
Man in Japan arrested for selling modified Super NES Classics with extra games, making 540 bucks
It isn’t over till it’s over.; It ain’t over till it’s over.