月別アーカイブ : 2018年06月の記事一覧
Survey shows one in 20 otaku only takes a bath once a week, prompting disgust and redo
Prank on sleeping beauty in car passenger seat goes viral 【Video】
Turn a glass of beer into an exquisite Mt. Fuji scene with this Awakumo glass!
Osaka reminds everyone not to go jump off a bridge during World Cup, don’t jump on it either
I feel comfortable with you.
Literally wipe out your chances of academic failure with prep school’s unique erasers
One in four young people in Japan’s biggest cities thinking of moving to the countryside【Survey】
映画「ファウンダー ハンバーガー帝国のヒミツ」のセリフで英会話/優しい,の英語 -friendly
Mr. Sato watched the Japan vs. Colombia game in a Colombian bar, thinks he made a new friend
Japan’s craziest shaved ice is so huge you can’t eat it sitting down
えっ誰? 元ストリッパーで人気女性ラッパーのカーディー・B、第1子出産の喜びをすっぴんで語り、ファンを恐怖のどん底へ
6/28 先ずは「タイへ」世界伝道(26)&英会話
Godzilla? Japanese news broadcast reports “giant creature” in Tokyo Harbor
Japan’s 10 best cultural experience activities/tours, as chosen by travelers
Recon, Rescue, Research! Japan’s Coast Guard’s videos of kick-ass action in glorious HD【Video】
Rain’s age of tyranny is over as we get back the use of our hands with an umbrella hat
Don’t you think we should ….?