月別アーカイブ : 2018年06月の記事一覧
Cup Noodle releases new Rare Species Mystery Meat flavor, and we brave it with a taste test
16-year-old Japanese girls will no longer be allowed to marry, age of legal adulthood moves to 18
6/14 高志のアトピーが消えた(12)&英会話
Awesome cardboard Darth Vader costume lets you become an eco-friendly Jedi villain【Video】
“Ghost photo” shows Kyoto’s breathtaking Fushimi Inari Shrine can be bone-chilling at night
Seiko to release new Ghibli watches, including limited-edition 30th anniversary Totoro watches
Please send … my best.; Please send my best to …
New Disney summer kimono are beautifully cute and require no sash tying【Photos】
Michelin-approved Motenashi Kuroki in Akihabara serves salt soba that stuns and satisfies
Radwimps singer offers apology/explanation after new song is accused of inappropriate nationalism
Samurai trash collectors clean streets of Tokyo in dramatic fashion 【Videos】
ネイティブがよく使う “pick up” の意味と使い方
婚約指輪、デカ! アリアナ・グランデ、交際歴1ヶ月未満の彼氏ピート・デヴィッドソンと電撃結婚も? 2人の悲しい共通点はテロ被害
Japanese taxis now being driven by ninja, bodyguards armed with concealed water pistols
6/13 卑弥呼と九州王朝と高志(11)&英会話