Crotch improvement makes Japan’s new 2019 Damegi roomwear lazier and cozier than ever【Photos】
Hokkaido man arrested for pretending to visit Aeon shopping centers 2.7 million times
You can’t have too much of a good thing.; You can never have too much of a good thing.
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu movie trailer surprises fans with first look at live-action characters
Starbucks’ brand-new Meccha Matcha Frappuccino: 20 years in the making, 50 percent more green tea
An illustrated guide to the proper way to give and receive business cards in Japan
ヘッドハンティングされ廃人に (79) &「英会話・英検」
Fukuoka’s new voting campaign urges voters to flex their electoral rights, get buff【Videos】
王室スキャンダル? メーガン・マークルとヘンリー王子、半年で3人もの側近が次々に辞める理由とは…
勝次、遂に倒れる (80) &「英会話・英検」
Maguro sushi meets soba noodles for a one-of-a-kind, unbelievably delicious combo in Tokyo
Our reporter transforms into a cool rock star with the help of some fashion experts
Following the Find Seiji a Girlfriend Project, our reporter now has to meet his girlfriend’s mom
Mister Donut releases Pokémon doughnuts in Japan for a limited time
There’s something about ….
Passenger demands to have a window mid-flight, cabin attendant gives him what he asked for
What’s cute and cozy and soft to wear? The new Sailor Moon Luna and Diana loungewear
Muji designs cool all-weather self-driving shuttle bus, aims to implement it in Finland in 2020