Oscar-winning animated film Spider-Verse sequel promises Japanese Spider-Man is “already designed”
Hyogo man arrested for creating biohazard zone with “own” pee
第261回 スペシャル対談(中田敦彦)「英語が喋れるようになるとっておきの方法とは?」
Exclusive Pokémon dishware being offered with brand-new Pokémon donuts in Japan
♡ 大都会の愛と死 (4) リズム英単語 ♪「YouTube 英会話」「英検」
Honda promotes street safety with tote bags resembling “a police officer hung on your shoulder”
Arnold Schwarzenegger plays taiko drums with Terminator: Dark Fate cast at Tokyo premiere
Large-breasted female fighting game character barred from Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series
Where have you been hiding (yourself)?; Where you been hiding (yourself)?
Japanese crowdfunding underway for bottled Onionade, just like mom used to make
Akihabara ad full of literally gigantic breasts may be too much even for Tokyo’s otaku mecca
Jackie Chan spotted cuddling a puppy at a Japanese home centre【Video】
Sayonara, suits! One of Japan’s biggest companies ditches suit-and-tie dress code
「お母さん」を表す mother, mom, mum, mommy, mummy, mama の違いとは?