7-Eleven in Japan sells masks for ridiculously high price, gets slammed by customers
100-yen store Daiso teaches us how to make our own cloth face masks
Rilakkuma sakura drinkware is ready to relax under the cherry blossoms with you【Photos】
How are you?と聞かれた時、I’m fine以外の答え方例文まとめ
Japan’s drinkable potato chip system is here, and it made us feel like a fish【Photos】
“go about 〜” ってどんな意味?
☆ せせらぎ(4)リズム英単語 ♪「こげんでよかと英会話」「英検」
Try Twitter-recommended Ring Fit Adventure for keeping your kids busy when everything is closed
Reselling masks in Japan could get you five years in prison under new government ban
When life hands you a crappy UFO catcher prize, make a tricked-out crappy UFO catcher prize
New virgin-seducing lingerie collection from Japan throws virtue out the window【Photos】
McDonald’s worker tests positive for coronavirus in Japan, branch closes for sanitation
I share your concern.; I share your concerns.
Daiso will help you warp your reflection with a psychedelic infinity mirror for under five bucks!
Japan has an awesome one-person bento box rice cooker, and here’s what we made with ours
Japanese company tells worker he probably doesn’t have coronavirus, to come to work with a fever