月別アーカイブ : 2019年02月の記事一覧
Unbelievable deal from Domino’s Pizza Japan makes Wednesday the best day of the week
This Osaka shrine is a hidden gem that includes a giant, roaring lion’s head
Osaka man arrested for stealing antique jeans worth over 150,000 yen
Handmade Hayao Miyazaki bento is too cute to eat, great conversation starter during meals
栄光からの転落… ヴォーグ誌の表紙を飾り億を稼いだ一流トップモデルのナスタシア、今はホームレス生活
道に迷うことを意味する「I got lost」と「I am lost」の違い
Is it cold enough in Hokkaido for banana hammers?
Is this real life? Canadian musician becomes apprentice to Japan’s world-famous shamisen masters
Japan’s public broadcaster leaving threatening notes on people’s doorsteps
Lipton to release Sakura Milk Tea for cherry blossom season!
復縁から結婚へ! オーランド・ブルームとケイティ・ペリーのバツイチカップル、バレンタインにプロポーズ!婚約指輪は4カラットのピンクダイヤで4億円?
[週刊] 今週のまとめ 2月11日-2月16日
Beautiful Japanese sightseeing train will be unforgettable way to travel country’s north island
Translator at Japanese marathon under fire for calling African athletes “cute chimpanzees”
Hello Kitty gets a new job — this time appearing on Converse sneakers!
X-Japan’s Yoshiki takes epic fall from skateboard, posts it on Instagram, sparks storm of concern