月別アーカイブ : 2018年11月の記事一覧
“fruit salad”、”fishcake” ってどんな意味?
美容整形中毒! カイリー・ジェンナー、フィラー除去で小さくしたはずの唇が再びタラコな件
Survey shows more Japanese married men, single Japanese women cheating on their romantic partners
失意に泣き、初めて関門海峡を渡る (83)&「英会話・英検」
Low-quality laughing stock of current anime season sends hidden cry for help in closing credits
Hanazono Jinja Shrine: Lanterns, stalls and rakes at annual Tori no Ichi cock festival in Tokyo
Slow and steady wins the race.
Japanese company trips – Workers “absolutely hate” them, so why do they still happen?
Starbucks Japan unveils new White Chocolate Snow Frappuccino for Christmas
Abandoned subway station in Tokyo open to the public for a limited time!
9+3=12? Nope, that’s wrong, says Japanese kid’s elementary school, thanks to “cherry calculation”
関係代名詞の “who / which / that” の使い方を簡単に解説!
やり過ぎ! キム・カーダシアン、5才の娘ノースのお腹をフォトショップ修正で平らに… 修正前オリジナル写真流出
Female fast food worker in Japan has awesome response to male customers who called her ugly
天国と地獄「最後の銀座豪遊 (82) 」&「英会話・英検」
Cute Japanese model dons fluffy Eevee costume, catches fans’ hearts without a single Poké Ball
Edo-Period Japanese book depicts U.S. history in hilariously awesome illustrations
Man in charge of cybersecurity for 2020 Olympics has never touched a computer
The mystery of live-action Pokémon movie Pikachu’s freaky-sounding German voice【Video】
just to be sure; just to be certain